Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random thought of the day!

Are there animal therapists? Because I believe that my cat may be bipolar.


  1. I am not positive but if there isn't I think there should be. Maybe it would help dogs not to bark and cats not to hiss.

  2. Natasha I totally love that you commented on this! =)

  3. Ha. I love this Post. But i don't think there is a animal therapist. But really why would cats and dogs need one. All they do is eat, poop & sleep. They really don't have a stressful day. lol.

  4. Tempestt most people think that an animals day is not hard but really it is. Animals especially little kitties must watch out for their owners big feet. They must duck and dodge and sometimes their owners forget to feed them which is like forgetting to forget to feed your children. These are sad situations that cause animals to become stressed and tramatized. This is why a propose there needs to be an animal therapist lol =)

  5. Ok. You have a good point. But it seems like only animals that have been rescued for a bad home need it. Not my dog he gets his meal everyday. Never abused like some animals do.
